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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have to do “parties”?

No. The best part about an MK business is you don’t HAVE to do anything. There are a lot of ways to sell product, service customers and build a clientele without doing parties. You can sell online if you choose to have a Mary Kay Personal Website. You can sell on-the-go while out and about doing life. Beauty Experiences aka “Parties” are oftentimes the best way to allow your customers to try products in a fun environment. You can also do a single facial, which is just a simple one on one without other people. The options are endless.

Do I have to purchase and stock inventory?

No. Inventory is certainly an option for beauty consultants. Some consultants choose to keep a full store for the ease and convenience of it. Some consultants keep what is popular for them on their shelves. Some consultants order as they go. Your starter kit gives you what you need to do just that, START. But, just like any business, you will have the option to purchase additional products that are not in the starter kit, but nothing is mandatory. As your mentor, we can only make suggestions to help you reach your goals based on our experience and knowledge. However, we cannot force you to “buy inventory”. When a new beauty consultant begins her business, there are many factors that go into her first order decision and that is discussed once you get started and go through your first training with your Director. In addition, the company offers a 90% buy back on your inventory within a year. So you really have no risk if you choose to start off with product to demo or stock!

What other expenses will I have?

You will have the option, and again, it’s optional, to purchase a Mary Kay Personal Website for $30 for the entire year that the company maintains, updates, stores, protects and secures. This allows your customers easy shopping, access to the Virtual Makeover, product recommendations and paying with a secure credit card. Propay is also an optional service that allows you to take credit cards via your personal website. You certainly can use PayPal, Venmo or other credit card processing companies, however, Propay is the most reasonable and directly linked to Mary Kay’s consultant website so that the funds can go through your personal website. You may also choose to attend a few of our conferences and our events. Again, these are optional trainings that you can choose to attend or not.

Do I have to go to “’meetings”?

We offer a variety of training. From my experience, I have found that consultants who attend live, in person trainings consistently, when they are available, statistically do better. We offer a variety of training online, via conference call, personalized coaching calls with your director, and live video conference trainings! It’s important to us to make the training as accessible to everyone considering schedules, work shifts, geographic location and other factors.


What are my responsibilities as a consultant?

You really run your own business. The company and director will provide you with everything you need to be successful. However, it is your responsibility as a business owner to put that information and training to use. We always give you all your options, ideas, ways of doing things and it is up to you to run your business with the tools you have given to you to reach the level of success you want to have. Your Director is there to help you reach your goals and offer her experience and training, but it’s your responsibility to meet her half way, respond when she reaches out, and be open to her advice. I love the saying, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink”. Your Director will match her time directly with your efforts and will always be there to hold your hand, walk you through your business and help you reach your individual goals, big or small!

How long is the training?

There are two very important conference calls to listen to in the beginning that total about 4 hours. You can start them and stop them and do them in sections if you need to. Once that is done, training is ongoing. School is never out for the pro! You will get most of your training through experience and of course, getting in the field!

How will I find my customers?

Your director will do extensive training on where to find clients, providing you with scripts to book appointments, and more. You just have to get the training from her as she provides it!

What is the hardest part of this business?

For most, I’ve found it is the mindset shift from being an employee of someone or a larger company vs being self-employed. There is no one watching over your shoulder and we can’t fire you! So, it’s developing the discipline to work without someone telling you that you have to be somewhere or do something. I find that setting goals and knowing clearly WHY you are running your business helps you keep on track. Everything else is taught as you go about your business and develop experience.

What if I get stuck or feel frustrated?

Call your director IMMEDIATELY! I guarantee you that she has been through everything you are going through and it is her job to coach you through it. Set up a time to talk with her and reach out to her constantly. I have found that there is a direct correlation between your success and how often you speak with your director!

What if I fail?

I firmly believe failure is a choice. You have all the tools you need, phenomenal mentors in your corner. Be willing to fail. You aren’t going to be perfect coming out of the gates. Be willing to get your training, work with building time management skills to fit this business into your already full schedule, be willing to learn from mistakes and continue to better yourself. If you do what your director tells you to, and coach with her, you really cannot fail unless you quit.

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