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Team Building

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Mary Kay's
4 Point Recruiting Plan

  1.    Before every skin care class, ask the hostess,

        "Who is coming today who might be                                 interested in doing what I do?"​


  2​.  Present your heartfelt, enthusiastic

          I-story at every skin care class and                               collection preview. Share why you began your           Mary Kay business and what it means to you.


   3.  Select at least one person at every skin care             class and offer her the Mary Kay opportunity.           You may want to plant seeds by sending                     guests home with a recruiting packet, then                meeting with them to tell them more about                the Mary Kay opportunity.


    4. Offer the hostess a special gift for any                          person she suggests who becomes an                        Independent Beauty Consultant.

"I-story with 5 Questions

FLYER - Team Building 5 Questions.jpg

Starter Kit Options

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start up pg 2.png

Start Your Success Story

success story perks.png

Pondering Pink

Have you ever pondered pink2.jpg

Discovery Chat

  • Send people your virtual business card.

  • Watch video

  • Fill out questionnaire and have a 5-10 minute follow up

        phone call to enter for a chance to win a                 $500 cash drawing!


Win a Car From Mary Kay

with an average of 70 discovery chats

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